The gemstones before cutting and polishing are simple and rough, and the gemstones can only show restrained or brilliant brilliance after being cut and polished. The cutting methods of gemstones are divided into "plain" and "facet", and the most common diamonds are faceted, so why are there no plain cut diamonds?

What is "plain" and "facet"?

diamond cutting

  1. Plain cut

The plain surface means "plain face facing the sky", which means almost no other modification. It refers to the appearance of a curved and curved surface after simple manual polishing. It is also called "smooth surface", "egg surface" and "arc surface". noodle".

plain cut

Advantages: The color that can best show the natural color of gemstones, plain gemstone jewelry is simple, elegant, classic and durable, more pure, giving people a sense of crystal clear.

Prons: The color that can best show the natural color of gemstones, plain gemstone jewelry is simple, elegant, classic and durable, more pure, giving people a sense of crystal clear.

Cons: There is almost no fire, lack of luster and movement. If the rough stone contains a lot of impurities and the color is relatively poor, the internal flaws will be obvious when the rough stone is cut, and the overall effect is relatively poor.

Plain gemstones are especially suitable for gemstones with special optical effects, such as star ruby, opal, opal, moonstone, etc.; they are also the first choice for jade cutting, such as jadeite, Hetian jade, southern red agate, lapis lazuli, etc.


  1. Faceted cut

diamond cutting

Facets refer to the fact that gemstones are composed of many facets with certain geometric shapes after manual polishing, and have a strong three-dimensional effect. , heart shape, etc.

Prons: Faceting is suitable for almost all types of gemstones. Light is refracted in carefully cut gemstones, giving them fantastical hues and brilliance known as fire, the most famous example of which is diamonds.

Cons: The facet cutting process requires high processing technology and a high loss rate of gemstones. Therefore, the yield of gemstones is low and the processing cost is high, so the price will naturally go up. Generally speaking, under the same quality of colored gemstones, the price of faceted gemstones will be at least 30% more expensive than plain gemstones.

Why aren't diamonds plain cut?

The charm of diamonds is mainly reflected in the fire. A well-cut diamond will have a flame-like glamorous, dazzling and beautiful brilliance. If you turn the diamond, you will find that the strange light on the diamond can change rapidly, flicker, and be extremely charming. This phenomenon is also called the "flicker" degree of the diamond.

The plain cut is difficult to refract light, so it cannot show the dazzling fire, so diamonds are generally cut with facets.

diamond rings engagement


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